View as a calendar.
Location |
Date |
Time |
Description |
Sydney | 1st | 11am | [Early viewing] Annual Training - Closing Period Day 2 [w/ Shakujo] |
Sydney | 1st | 6:30pm | Annual Training - Closing Period Day 2 [w/ Shakujo] |
Sydney | 2nd | 11am | [Early viewing] Annual Training - Closing Period Day 3 [w/ Shakujo] |
Sydney | 2nd | 6:30pm | Annual Training - Closing Period Day 3 [w/ Shakujo] |
Sydney | 3rd | 12:30pm | Annual Training - Closing Period Day 4 - Setsubun Service (with blessing and bean-throwing) |
Sydney | 3rd | 6:30pm | [Repeat] Annual Training - Closing Period Day 4 - Setsubun Service (with blessing and bean-throwing) |
Sydney | 4th | 12:30pm | Annual Training - Closing Period Day 5 - Service in Honour of the Shinnyo Spiritual Faculty [w/ robe] |
Sydney | 4th | 6:30pm | [Repeat] Annual Training - Closing Period Day 5 - Service in Honour of the Shinnyo Spiritual Faculty [w/ robe] |
Sydney | 5th | All Day | Temple Closed |
Sydney | 6th | 10:30am | Parents/Carers Sesshin (for parents & carers of babies & children under Year 4.) |
Sydney | 8th | 12:30pm | Service "Day to Mark the Founding of the Shinnyo Path" |
Sydney | 9th | 9:30am | Monthly Cleaning Gohoshi |
Sydney | 10th | All Day | Temple Closed |
Sydney | 13th | 10:30am | Feast of Compassion |
Sydney | 15th | 12:30pm | Feast of Nirvana held along with Inspiriting and Dedication of the New Hamamatsu Branch Temple [w/ robe] |
Sydney | 16th | All Day | Temple Closed |
Melbourne | 16th | 10am | Sesshin Training (Prior booking required for Sesshin) at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre |
Sydney | 17th | All Day | Temple Closed |
Sydney | 19th | 10:30am | Remembrance Service |
Sydney | 22nd | 1pm | Feast of the Dharma Protectors |
Sydney | 24th | 12:30pm | Shinnyo Special Commemorative Service [w/ robe] |
Sydney | 24th | 6:30pm | [Repeat] Shinnyo Special Commemorative Service [w/ robe] |
Sydney | 25th | 10am | Monthly Cleaning Gohoshi |
Sydney | 26th | All Day | Temple Closed |
Sydney | 28th | 10:30am | Homa Service [w/ robe & Shakujo] |